3 Downsides to Urban Sprawl & How Urban Infill Could Be the Solution
Urban sprawl is the result of poor city planning that creates low-density, auto-dependent development that puts too much space in between homes, work, and grocery stores.
Urban sprawl has many negative impacts on communities as it displaces wildlife, creates higher commute times, increases traffic, and contributes to pollution.
Read to the end to find out the disadvantages of urban sprawl and one solution to this issue.
5 Surprising Benefits of Urban Infill
Urban infill is the redevelopment of underused land in existing communities. Filling in gaps in underdeveloped neighborhoods is the perfect way to breathe life into a community while utilizing existing infrastructure, utilities, and pouring revenue into businesses.
Read to the end to find out why Urban Infill could be a great investment into a community you’d like to see thrive.