5 Unique Advantages of Living in a Row Home
Row Homes have become an architectural staple in major metro cities such as San Francisco, Brooklyn, Philadelphia, and Washington D.C. These gorgeous homes bring to mind community living and a uniform aesthetic, with each home bringing in unique elements and contributing to the overall color pallet and vibe of the neighborhood.
At first glance, these homes may appear small and stuffy to those moving in from sprawling ranch homes, but these row homes have so much to offer and are a perfect choice for those wanting to live in-city in a like-minded community without spending a fortune on property taxes and lawn upkeep.
Here are 5 advantages of living in a row home.

Historic Renovation in the Plaza District
The Plaza District area is also known for its mid-century bungalows and 100-year-old buildings. With these buildings surpassing the 100-year mark, we have seen a rise in recent years of clients wanting to renovate these historic, charming properties. Many of these homes were constructed with quality products that cannot be sourced or matched today.
Here are 3 great reasons why you’ll love a home that has been historically renovated in the Plaza District.

5 Tips for Renovating a Historic Home and How to Get Started
Historic Preservation in America took off in the 1960s when the federal government created the National Register of Historic Places. By the 70s everyone was eager to register their old Victorian Homes and Log Cabins. There was also a rise in historical societies and history museums at that time.
So you’ve purchased a historic home and don’t know where to begin or you’re considering purchasing a historic home and want to know what you’re getting yourself into.
Here are 5 tips for renovating a historic home.

Historic Preservation: Four Methods to Preserving an Historic Building (2022)
There are many benefits to historic preservation. Historic preservation gives us a chance to see how much building techniques and styles have changed over the years. It also benefits tourism, boosts the economy, and makes the areas that we reside in infinitely more interesting. Any form of remodeling or renovation is more environmentally friendly than a new build. And how tragic would it be to tear down that gorgeous mid-century bungalow that is just in need of some updating and tender loving care?
In this article we will take a look at four methods of preserving an historic building.